Complete GlobalProtect setup on your computer. Download the GlobalProtect app onto your computer.
Download the Duo Mobile app onto your cell phone. With this change, Northwestern IT is consolidating three existing VPN clients Pulse Secure SSL VPN client, Cisco An圜onnect, and the built-in client L2TP VPN services into a single new client: Global Protect. NORTHWESTERN VPN GLOBALPROTECT REGISTRATION
Register for Duo Mobile. Two ways to do that: via an email from ITS can email and ask for "the VPN registration invitation email") or if off-campus, via Office365. GlobalProtect replaces three existing VPN clients: built-in VPN clients, Cisco An圜onnect, and Pulse Secure SSL VPN. Northwestern is transitioning to a new VPN platform called GlobalProtect. Once there, click on "How do I start using GlobalProtect VPN and Duo?" Work around: Enable signatures for Unique Threat IDs A GlobalProtect VPN client (GUI) for Linux. VPN provides you with secure access to University services and the Internet when you are off campus. Outline of the steps required for the VPN: NORTHWESTERN VPN GLOBALPROTECT SOFTWARE
If you find that the software hasn’t been installed by April 1, or to use the VPN on a phone or mobile device, please visit the Northwestern IT Knowledge Base for next steps. To get connected, visit the IT Knowledge Base for instructions. It is much more reliable during times of heavy internet traffic, and is well worth the necessary setup time. GlobalProtect VPN will be pre-configured and installed as computers check in with our management system.
VPN (virtual private network): The VPN requires you to download an app onto both your cell phone and your computer. But a few databases will not work with it, and it is less reliable when there is heavy internet traffic or a slow connection. Library Login: This method (a proxy server) is quick and easy, and requires no setup.