I was named as a close contact last Friday morning and I wasn’t feeling 100 per cent so I booked a PCR test on the HSE website. Not sure where the comment about “no test for love nor money” comes from. Had a 45-minute wait in the car as the test centre was busy. Got my PCR test in Wicklow next morning at 10.55am. That was 2.45pm on Tuesday, November 23rd.

Maybe you need to go on the website very early?Ĭalled my GP as I had symptoms. So I’ve been surprised to hear that “you can’t get a test for love or money”. That test, yesterday (Tuesday), went even faster, with no queuing at all, and in fact though there were two people ahead of us, there were empty cubicles. This week my teenage daughter developed symptoms and we had the same experience: no same-day slots, but plenty for the following day, in DCU again. The tests went smoothly: we queued for less than five minutes. We had our choice of venues and slots (though there were no same-day slots anywhere). On Monday, November 15th I was able to book a PCR test in DCU for my wife and me for Wednesday 17th. As she is vaccinated no one else is isolating, but watching carefully. I got a phone consult with GP Tuesday afternoon, he didn’t recommend a test at the moment because “they are up the walls over there” and unless she had more than three symptoms he wasn’t going to test. My 12-year-old has headaches and generally unwell since Monday, no PCR test available. We went for our tests in Dublin Airport on Wednesday morning and the service was excellent, very busy but practically no wait and very nice staff. I continued to check the website on Tuesday in case we got a same day cancellation but found that by 9am there were no appointments available in either Tuesday or Wednesday. I booked a test for myself and one for my son at 6am on Tuesday morning (he’s an early riser!) and there were around 900 available for Wednesday.

The closure of this and other test centres means hundreds of thousands of Dubliners are now competing for fewer appointments and having to travel further afield to attend.Ĭouldn’t book same day but otherwise efficient In recent months the green tent on Inchicore’s Emmet Road had become a fixture on evening walks around the block, until mid-November when this – the only PCR test centre located in the south west inner city – closed shop for good. As demand for tests spiked, the only PCR test centre in southwest Dublin closed shop